Virtual Cheif Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Spartans Security

What is vCISO and why you need one

A Virtual CISO, or vCISO, is an extension of your team thatworks with your stakeholders to build, deliver, and run a security program.Building and managing a fit-for-purpose security program isa complex task that requires a diverse skill set, including strategic,tactical, and hands-on expertise. For many small and medium-sized organisations,hiring a full-time security team may not be feasible. Even when an organisationhires a CISO, the role still needs a team with hands-on experience in variousIT security domains to deliver the security program. This gap leaves organisationswithout the crucial leadership and team needed to develop and execute aproactive security program, resulting in unmanaged risks and vulnerabilities.

Assessment and program development

The vCISO typically commence by understanding your security posture and maturity. This step helps with baselining your current security program, lay down the foundation for a mature security governance and set a target state with sets of initiatives or programs to help achieving that state. The vCISO lays the security governance foundation by creating the following:

  • A working IT Risk Register for your identified risks and vulnerabilities.
  • An initial security program to address these risks.
  • Prioritises findings through regular IT Risk Management meetings, forming a     continually updated list of security projects.
Security Program Foundations- Spa
Man coordinating security

Security activities and coordination

Building on this risk-driven foundation, the vCISO service offers comprehensive guidance and oversight:

  • Establishes a security calendar of routine tasks to ensure controls remain effective and coordinates access to Spartans Security’s technical resources, complementing in-house teams.
  • Reviews security strategies, policies, standards, and procedures and  reports as needed to senior leadership or the board.
  • Conducts an annual incident response simulation to validate and enhance response readiness.

Flexible model working around your needs

Hiring a full-time senior security manager can be cost prohibitive, but Spartans Security’s vCISO service delivers the necessary expertise and leadership for continuous security improvement.

  • Flexible working model: Typically start around 1 day per month, with flexibility aligned with business requirements, schedule and complexity.
  • Drive Improvement: drive your security prgoram to deliver benefit and risk reduction to your business.
  • Aligning with your business: Our team undersatnds that no two businesses are the same, our advise and services will be tailolred to different business challenges, complexity and needs.
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